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Stained Glass

Stained Glass

2007 Freshmen High School 12 in x 12 in

Stained Glass

Stained Glass

2008 Sophomore High School 12 in x 12 in

Stained Glass

Stained Glass

2009 Junior High School 8 in x 8 in

Stained Glass

Stained Glass

2009 Junior High School 5 in x 5 in x 1/4 in

Soap Stone Carving

Soap Stone Carving

2008 Sophomore High School 2 in x 2 in x 1 1/5 in

2011 Senior High school Ring I made from lost casting. I carved the design I wanted a piece of wax, I then made a mold of the wax piece in plaster. After that step I melted all the wax out of the mold and replaced it with molten metal. After it was done cooling down, I dissolved the plaster mold in water and took out the ring. I then sanded it down till I thought it was perfect and then glued a garnet in the middle.

Wire Dancer

Wire Dancer

2007 Freshmen High School 8 in x 3 in x 1 in

Wire Tree

Wire Tree

2008 Sophomore High School 18 in x 14 in x 14 in

Drawing Portfolio

Drawing Portfolio

2011 Freshmen College 18 in x 24 in This was a box I made to carry all of my drawings for one of my classes at school. I cut out al the shapes from a giant sheet of used cardboard. I taped it all together and then collaged it. I then braided a handle and add string to the front so I had a way to close it.

Drawing Portfolio

Drawing Portfolio

2011 Freshmen College This was a box I made to carry all of my drawings for one of my classes at school. I cut out al the shapes from a giant sheet of used cardboard. I taped it all together and then collaged it. I then braided a handle and add string to the front so I had a way to close it.

Product Assignment

Product Assignment

2011 Freshmen College 15 in x 8 in The assignment was to combine two different food products, make packaging for it and be able to see it to the class. I combined lobsters and pop tarts, creating "Pop-Tart Explosion". It would have the pop tart breading on the outside covered in red frosting with lobster goo on the inside. Each piece would also be a different part of the lobster; tail, claw, antenna, and eggs.

2011 Freshmen College I made The packaging out of UPS boxes. I included ingredients list, warning label, nutritional facts, company information and even a bar code.

2011 Freshmen College On this side, I included quotes of how good the product is.



2011 Freshmen College 20 in x 24 in x 20 in This was a project I had to do in my first form and 3D class in college. The project was to come up with a sculpture that represented the body and had a deeper meaning then just, this is a shoe. My concept behind this piece was "Everyone is geared differently and if you push them to hard, eventually they will break.

2011 Freshmen College I did both ears differently to amplify going crazy that much more.

2011 Freshmen College I also did both of the eyes differently to amplify going crazy as well.

2011 Freshmen College These are the gears inside the persons head that are braking and not in the right places. I did each gear by hand and took me several days to do. The copper gear in the middle is suppose to be the center of their brain, where all the breaking started.

2011 Freshmen College I also did both of the eyes differently to amplify going crazy as well.

2011 Freshmen College I did both ears differently to amplify going crazy that much more.

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